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    Bruno de Andrade

    Weblog of a tenure-tracker

    MInecraft in education of heritage and design at TUDelft

    #Minecraft in teaching: students build churches and museums”

    Annebelle de Bruijn, senior editor on Delta (Journalistic platform TU Delft), wrote a piece of text around my work in education matching values-based design and decision-making and gaming, in my first tenure-track year at the Heritage and Values chair, Heritage and Architecture section, AE+T, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, TU Delft.

    Grateful to Nevzgodin Ivan and Marie-Thérèse van Thoor for your support and collaboration in the Minor Heritage & Design, and Honours Course Digital Naples, respectively. Also grateful to Ana Pereira Roders and Alexander de Ridder for our partnership on the Master studio Heritage4All. #GameOn

    Special thanks to my students, whose engagement in architecture and gaming has blown my mind! It’s been reassuring. Actually, Diana Ugnat and Maarten Hikspoors are part of this article! Well done!

    Thank you Annebelle for an amazing article!

    #heritagebaseddesign, #valuesbaseddesign, #seriousgaming, #citygaming, #geogames, #codesign, #museums, #minecraftedu

    What If Vitruvius Played Minecraft? First Notes On Gaming Architecture As Experimental Design

    My piece of text “What If Vitruvius Played Minecraft? First Notes On Gaming Architecture As Experimental Design” has been published by Bnieuws.

    The editorial board wrote this about my text: “But how does digital technology and its new realities relate to architecture, and particularly architectural education? By asking a playful question “What if Vitruvius played Minecraft?”, Bruno de Andrade challenges the unchanged methods and theories in teachings of architectural history, which ignore the new cyber layer over the city and a shifting digital culture”.

    The full text is available here: and here the booklet version according to its printed format

    Here you can access the table of contents of the Bnieuws “Digital Space” edition:

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